Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bashkortostan- A Pictorial Journey to the Beautiful Russia

Villages covered with hills and untouched forest with good road connectivity in Bashkortostan. Photo by Ritu Raj Konwar / The Hindu

Bashkortostan also called Bashkiria, republic in Russia, extending from the southern part of the Ural Mountains and adjacent plains, at the border of Europe and Asia. The total area of the Republic of Bashkortostan makes 143 thousand sq. km or 0.8% of the total area of Russia.
The population of Bashkortostan comprises with Russians, the Tatars and the Bashkirians, the last of these being the native population.
In 2013, I got the opportunity from my paper “The Hindu” to take part in a photo shooting programme called "Nature, People, and Culture” organised by the Ministry of Culture of Bashkortostan, Russian Union of Photographers and its Bashkir Branch, the Republican centre of folk art”. Photographers from all the BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China (except South Africa), as well as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Italy gathered at capital city Ufa and extensively travelled in the remote, beautiful and wild parts of the Bashkortostan to capture and document the Bashkortostan through our lens. The aim is to project Bashkortostan and Bashkiria culture front of the world where the BRICS summit is going to be held on 2015.

A Bashkirian woman holds a bottle of homemade Vodka during a festival in Bashkortostan.
Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar
In June 2014, I got another invitation from the Russian Government to document more about their region as the preparation for the BRICK summit is going on in full swing in Ufa city which is the capital of Bashkortostan and is also a major transport hub of Russia. The main trans-Urals railway routes passes through the capital and branch lines from it lead to other industrial centres of the republic, to Magnitogorsk city, and to the mountainous regions of Bashkortostan.

Bashkortostan is rich in natural resources such as iron, copper, coal and natural gas, but the main and most important asset is oil. Farming has also been of great importance to the republic, and Bashkortostan is one of the five biggest farming producers in all of Russia. Most of the stock raising is concentrated on milk and meat, usually cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens, but horse farming is also profitable. The horse has been of great importance to the Bashkirians, and they have been breeding horses for more than 1000 years. Bashkortostan has one of the densest populations of horses in all Russia. Beekeeping is also a traditional occupation and is widespread throughout Bashkortostan.
A newly waded Bashkir couple.  Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar 

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) evaluated the mountain forests of the Republic as a natural complex of global importance. In 2012, the biosphere reserve "Bashkirian Ural" entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Ufa city has been chosen to host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS summits in the summer of 2015.
The SCO is composed of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan while BRICS groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. According to the acting President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, "our goal (of holding the summits) is not to be part of history, but to achieve substantial and sustainable economic development."
Russia is currently developing a concept that includes several initiatives aimed at strengthening the institutional base and expanding investment cooperation between the BRICS member-states.
Russia seeks to develop a “roadmap” on trade, economic and investment cooperation. It will include joint business projects, in the fuel and energy sector, the use of global navigation systems, and cooperation in mining and metallurgy.

Text and Photographs by
Ritu Raj Konwar
Special News Photographer
The Hindu

Bashkirian villagers in their traditional costumes taking part in a festival in Bashkortostan.
Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar

Bashkirian villagers in their traditional costumes taking part in a festival in Bashkortostan.
Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar

Tulip flowers in full bloom in Ufa city, capital of Bashkortostan where Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS summits will be held in the summer of 2015. Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar

Cow farming in Bashkortostan

Beekeeping is a traditional occupation and is widespread throughout Bashkortostan.
Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar

Horse farming is very popular in all of Russia. In Bashkortostan horse is use for tourism apart from its meat and milk. Photo: Ritu Raj Konwar